Last modified on 03/26/18 - Keith - Guitar - Update: February 13, 2002

Quote of the day: "Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." --Oscar Wilde

Here is my first original song: Ana (1.5MB, MPEG Layer 3 compression @ 96kbps)
Ana was recorded using the PS02 internal microphone and my Lignatone acoustic guitar made in Czechoslovakia in 1968 ($20 at a yard sale). I'm not satisfied with the guitar sound--I think an acoustic/electric guitar would sound better because the volume level on the microphone was too low, resulting in some hiss (not to mention that a higher quality guitar would sound better--my acoustic is a parlor size which means less volume, bass, and projection). Also my fingerpicking could have been better, but after about 25 takes my patience was wearing thin... :-)