Last modified on 03/26/18 - Keith - Guitar - Update: February 26, 2002

Quote of the day: "Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." --Oscar Wilde

I have remixed Ana to increase the volume (unfortunately the hiss is more noticable as well). I also changed the transition from the intro to the main part--in the first version they were merged, now there is a slight pause after the intro which I think sounds better.

Here is a blast from the past... In 1982 I had access to a real recording studio on the campus of Lebanon Valley College where I was a student (Audio Recording Technology was my second major). In the spring of that year I recorded a song written by my friend Carol Fleischman. All I have left is the cassette master which I digitized using my PS02 (I initially attempted to record directly into my Audigy sound card--which would have made a higher quality recording--but there was a severe 60Hz hum in the connection so I used the PS02 instead). Anyway, here it is: Twin Song (2.2MB, MPEG Layer 3 compression @ 96kbps), with Carol playing acoustic guitar and me playing lead guitar. I have to confess that I wrote the lead part so Carol should not be blamed for my melodically-challenged composition. ;-)