Quote of the day: "Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." --Oscar Wilde
My father and I went to Aruba in March, 1986 to see Halley's Comet. I wanted to record the event so I bought my first camera, a couple of lenses, a hand operated pan/tilt head, and a small finder scope. The camera and the finder scope were mounted on the pan/tilt head and, by turning a small knob on the pan/tilt head, I could track the motion of the stars (and the comet). It was somewhat painstaking--a four-minute exposure was very hard on my neck and back! But I got some decent shots:
Coming soon...
After returning from Aruba I took a few more photos of Halley's Comet from Pennsylvania and Virginia:
Coming soon...
Once the comet was gone for another 75 years, I turned my attention to other heavenly bodies:
Coming soon...