July 20th - Meiji Shrine

Charmed, I'm sure...

On the 20th I decided to do some sightseeing in Tokyo. The Meiji Shrine is one of the most famous Shinto shrines in Tokyo so I settled on that as my destination. The Meiji Shrine is situated in a nice wooded area in the Shibuya section of the city. When you are there, it is hard to believe that all the trappings of modern Japanese society--cars, skyscrapers, millions of people--are all around you. It is a peaceful place amid the unending bustle of Tokyo.

The torii marks the entrance to the Meiji Shrine grounds...

A wedding procession passing through the courtyard...

The elaborate architecture of the shrine buildings...

The wedding photograph...

One of the interesting things you can buy at a Shinto Shrine or a Buddist Temple is a charm. The Japanese are a very charm-conscious people and you can get a charm for almost any occasion. Need to pass a test in school? No problem, just get the appropriate charm. What to find your true love? There's a charm for that, too. How about a healthy birth? I got one of those for a friend of mine who was expecting. Does sound mind and body sound like a good thing? I got myself one of those charms. So far, it's working! (I think...)

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